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Just played it again, it has aged well ❤️

i love this. i love gob

(1 edit)

Love the style of the demo.

I have to ask one question, I want to make sure my game isn't bugged out. Every time I find the grabber tool in the grate I get stuck there. None of the buttons do anything. All I can do is either open the phone, or look at the items I'm carrying. I can't leave and go to another screen? Escape pulls up the phone and spacebar does nothing. It soft locks me every time. Am I missing something obvious, or is it bugged?

Edit: I found it, I didn't realize the perspective had shifted!

I very much like the mechanics of Q/E, & the rest of the controls, they are fun.

I also like to think of Gobs shirt collar as a part of his mouth.

Very cool visual and sound design. I like the minimalistic interface and the general mood of the game.

I didn't like the mechanics of QE, especially the throwing away of items. The idea is good, but the implementation is not very good. I don’t like that there is a risk of accidentally pressing E (out of habit, like interaction in other games) and losing an item somewhere in a dark place along the way, then you will have to look for it all over the map. Once I caught a bug: I dropped it in an inaccessible place, couldn’t pick it up and had to restart the game.

IMHO If the game does not use the mechanics of dropping an item to solve puzzles, then it is better to remove it completely. Perhaps it’s better to let the items be collected in the inventory which can be opened with “tab” (instead of the space bar, as now), and with the help of QE they are not thrown onto the floor but simply scrolled through, and when you hold Q or E they are hidden in your pocket.

Nice Game! grats from Chile!


Beautiful game! One bug to report running on windows 11, it has this strange desire to kick itself out of being the active window. At first I thought I was just boned but then found that if after clicking it active I perfectly nailed the timing of clicking and holding lmb right as the window expanded it would stay active. Switching away from the game required doing the whole click-of-war thing to get it to stay active again when I switched back.

The only gameplay criticism I have is that everything was just a little too low-contrast. All of the few difficulties I had revolved around just plain not being able to see stuff.

15 minutes and i fell in love with this game.

Великолепная игра. Мне очень нравится такой визуальный стиль, совмещающий мультяшность и реалистичные обьекты и материалы. Этим игра и привлекла. К управлению нужно немного привыкнуть, и полноценно все понял только после того как зашел в меню (хотелось бы небольшой туториал).

Момент с монеткой очень рассмешил)) Ты смотришь на нее, она смотрит на тебя....

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